Courtesy of the Globe and Mail, I recommend everyone watch this 20+ minute keynote speech delivered by Nouriel Roubini. It's unfortunate that he gets tagged as "Dr. Doom" or a "Bear" economist; he's just telling it like it is. The fact that he even has this label shows you how the media can quickly classify and dismiss even the most insightful people. He's been making predictions about an economic downturn for years, but people are only now realizing he's not pessimistic, he's actually correct.
He makes fantastic predictions about how long this recession could last, talks about how severe deflation will be, and most importantly he intelligently analyzes whether governments are doing the right things, among other topics.
Something something Schiff something.
Great stuff.
The way to argue against someone predicting a serious economic decline is to double up the people in the panel who scoff and laugh at him.
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